Thirty-One Gifts- May

Disclaimer: I am an independent Thirty-One Consultant and the views expressed on this blog are mine alone and don’t represent the company's views.

Here is a link to my page if you want to place an order. The summer catalog was launched on 5/1 and there are some really cute new patterns and products out now.

May has thermals 1/2 off when you spend $31. I LOVE the new Fresh Market Thermal. It is perfect for your grocery store runs! I have it in the Pink Pop Medallion!

I do have a facebook group where I post the monthly specials and any giveaways I do for these products. Please feel free to request to join! I would love to have you!

Gifts with Megan Group

Thirty-One Gifts

Disclaimer: I am an independent Thirty-One Consultant and the views expressed on this blog are mine alone and don’t represent the company's views.

I am now a Thirty-One consultant and am launching an online party here: Online Lunch Party Ending 4/26

I have a facebook group where I post any sales, giveaways, etc. If you are interested in joining that, let me know! I can also let you know about the benefits of being a hostess or even joining my team!

Golf Nursery

I had a baby boy on March 5th and to say his nursery was a labor of love would be an understatement. :)

When I first found out I was pregnant, I did not want to find out the sex- mostly because if it was a girl, I did not want a house full of pink crap. As our ultrasound rapidly approached, my husband wanted to find out. I do not let him get his way 99% of the time, so I thought maybe now would be the time to be nice and give him what he wanted. ;) I am glad we found out; it was special to find out with just him and me in the ultrasound room and hearing that it was a boy.

As soon as I heard it was a boy, I knew I was doing a golf themed nursery. My husband is an avid golfer and a pretty good one at that. I had bookmarked an inspiration nursery MANY MANY years ago and went off of there for the "feel" of this room.


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